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Geelong ↔ Docklands



One way prices below. Public holidays use weekend pricing. Geelong services only run weekends outside of school holidays.



A$ 26.50

Concessions & Seniors

Seniors, Students & Concession Cards


A$ 24.50


Ages 4-16 inclusive


A$ 18.50


Ages 0-3 inclusive - Must reserve a seat



Family Pass

2 adults + 2 children


A$ 77.00

Group Fares (p/person)

Group 25+


A$ 23.50

Services between Geelong and Docklands

The ferry from Geelong to Melbourne and back is a pleasant short cruise across the bay. Currently, all tickets must be pre-booked from this page or at least 60 minutes prior to departure from one of our participating retail partners listed below:

  • Portarlington Post Office
  • Portarlington Grand Hotel

Having an issue booking a return ticket online? View instructions & FAQ here

All Public Holidays will use the weekend timetable

Geelong to Docklands

Day of the week Depart Arrive
Saturday to Sunday
4:00 pm* 6:10 pm

* These services travel via Portarlington

Docklands to Geelong

Day of the week Depart Arrive
Saturday & Sunday
10:40 am* 12:50 pm

* These services travel via Portarlington 

Geelong Services

Off Peak Pricing (Only runs in school holidays)

Monday to Friday One Way Return
Adult $23.00 $46.00
Concession & Seniors $21.00 $42.00
Children (4-16yrs inc.) $15.00 $30.00
Infants (under 4yrs) Free Free
Family (2 adults + 2 kids) $65.00 $130.00
Groups (25+ people) $20.00 $40.00

Peak Pricing

Weekends & Public Holidays One Way Return
Adult $26.50 $53.00
Concession & Seniors $24.50 $49.00
Children (4-16yrs inc.) $18.50 $37.00
Infants (under 4yrs) Free Free
Family (2 adults + 2 kids) $77.00 $154.00
Groups (25+ people) $23.50 $46.00

    Things to Know Before You Go

    Ferry to Geelong and Melbourne Fare Information

    COVID-19 Ticket Policy


We are implementing the following steps to ensure your safety during travel:

Additional Cleaning

All high-touch surfaces will be disinfected before and after each service.

social distance icon
Keep Your Distance

Give others space and
keep your distance where you can.

face mask icon
Fitted Face Mask (Recommended)

Fitted face masks are strongly recommended in line with Victorian Government’s existing indoor mask recommendations

hand wash icon
Practice Good Hygiene

Wash your hands with soap
regularly and then dry.
Cough or sneeze into
your elbow

browser icon
Pre-book Your Tickets

Tickets must be pre-booked: either online or from the Portarlington Post Office. There will be no landside / onboard sales.

cashless icon
We're Going Cashless

The café will not be
accepting cash sales
onboard until
otherwise advised.

person coughing icon
Stay Home if You're Sick

If you are feeling unwell,
please don’t travel.

Ferry Bicycle Policy

To ensure the safety of passengers and the proper functioning of our bike racks, we have established a bicycle policy. Click here to view >>