8 awesome (AND FREE) reasons to visit district docklands with the kids

Thinking of taking the kids into the all-new District Docklands for a bit of school holiday fun? Well, there’s no good reason not to, not even one… with an abundance of FREE and AWESOME activities planned for everyday of the school holidays.
Between giant treasure hunts, DJs, immersive workshops, animal farm petting zoo, live stage shows from all the favourites including Peppa Pig, The Trolls and PJ Mask – there is literally something happening every day until January 28.
Of course, it can’t all be about the kids (can it)? While they are entertained, you can hunt down the bargains with brands like H&M, Bardot, Cotton On, General Pants Co… and too many more to mention. So print a copy of the schedule below… book your ferry tickets… and wait for the little ones to crown you the ”best mum (or dad) ever” these school holidays!
So here’s 8 awesome reasons to visit…
Animal Farm Petting Zoo
WHAT: Meet the fluffy and cuddly – interact, play and feed baby animals.
WHEN: Monday, 18 December to Friday, 22 December 2017
TIME: 12pm – 4pm daily
Christmas Elf on the Shelf Treasure Hunt
WHAT: Find the coloured Elves on the Shelf in stores, collect all stamps to receive a
Christmas gift from us – a sweet filled Christmas stocking for the first 1000.
DATE: Saturday, 23 December
TIME: From 11am
PJ Masks Stage Shows
WHAT: Embark on an adventure filled with action as young friends Connor, Amaya and
Greg put on their pyjamas and turn into their alter egos Catboy, Owlette and Gekko.
DATE: Wednesday, 27 to Saturday, 30 December
TIME: Shows at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm
Peppa Pig Stage Shows
WHAT: Peppa Pig is joining us on New Year’s Eve in a theatrical performance filled with
singings and dancing.
DATE: Sunday, 31 December
TIME: Shows at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm
Play Doh Immersive Zone
WHAT: Play-Doh is back! Come along and enjoy this interactive play zone with Play-Doh
tub and slide, a challenge arena and imagination free play area.
DATE: Tuesday, 2 to Sunday 7 January
TIME: 12pm – 4pm daily
Trolls Live Shows
WHAT: Join the stars of Trolls – Poppy and Branch for a fun, bright and colourful sing-along
and dance filled live show.
DATE: Monday, 8 to Sunday,14 January
TIME: Shows at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm daily
Paw Patrol Live Shows
WHAT: Join Ryder, Chase and Marshall as they answer Mayor Goodway’s call for help to
save the “Adventure Bay Talent Show” in an action packed live show.
DATE: Monday 15 to Sunday 21 January
TIME: Shows at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm daily
Shopkins Immersive Zone + meet and greet with Kooky Cookie
WHAT: Explore the Shopkins Immersive Zone plus meet and greet Kooky Cookie!
DATE: Monday, 22 to Sunday, 28 January
TIME: 12pm – 4pm daily